Requests for Proposals

Download PDF of Request for Proposals Here

The Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center (MAIC), a non-profit research agency, is soliciting grant proposals from individuals or organizations who are interested in conducting aquaculture research.
MAIC invites firms, municipalities (including shellfish committees), university-based researchers, private consultants, and individuals to apply for research grants. All proposals devoted to research on aquaculture will be considered (eg. culture of alternative species, improved husbandry/culture methods), but the following topics (in no particular order) are considered a priority for Maine’s aquaculture industry and will receive preferential scoring (see below):

1. Genetic improvement of cultured stocks
2. Reducing the impacts of superchill in Atlantic salmon
3. Improvement of salmonid egg quality in Maine hatcheries
4. Studies demonstrating ecological and financial benefits of implementing Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) methods
5. Studies that improve the husbandry, processing and/or marketing of algal products
6. Studies that will assist growers in reducing and/or mitigating effects of MSX disease and Vibrio vulnificus in Eastern oysters
7. Education and outreach programs that will assist farms in raising capital by educating bankers, venture capitalists etc.
about the potential profitability of Maine aquaculture.

Matching Requirement
MAIC grants may range from $5,000 to $25,000. Applicants for grant funding must match the proposed MAIC grant with cash and/or in-kind support from other sources. Total applicant match must be at least one dollar for each dollar proposed to be contributed by MAIC.
PLEASE NOTE:  MAIC uses public funds to make awards. The MAIC Board seeks projects that will generate jobs in aquaculture, sustain the natural environment while growing the aquaculture sector, and generally improve the quality of life for people living in the geographic areas in which project activities are conducted.  You will enhance your chances of receiving an award if you can be specific in addressing these Board interests in your project narrative.

Format of Proposals
Proposals must adhere to the following format:

1. Title page using the provided form (available in WORD format on the MAIC website
2. Executive Summary (not to exceed 150 words and suitable for distribution to the general public).
3. Project narrative not to exceed five pages (8.5” x 11”) in length (Times font size not smaller than 12 point, minimum 1” margins) describing the project using the following headings:

Why – justify the problem or issue addressed by the proposed project.
What – state the objectives of the project, the end-users and beneficiaries of the project and indicate what measurable economic benefits will result from the use of the project.
Where – describe where the project will be undertaken and the facilities needed to accomplish the tasks.
Who – describe who will be involved in the project and each person’s responsibilities.
How – describe how the project will be carried out and achieve the objectives defined above.
When – indicate desired starting and completion dates for the proposed project. Provide a clear time line for implementation and completion of objectives.

4. Budget and budget justification. The budget should show matching funds and in-kind match proposed and must use the MAIC budget form available on the MAIC web site. In judging proposals, the “quality” of matching resources will be considered. A minimum of 1:1 match is required. The budget justification narrative needs to provide a little detail and a convincing reason for each expenditure requested.
5. Single page resume for each principal investigator.
6. Letters of project endorsement from members of the Maine aquaculture industry.
Proposals which do not adhere to this format will not be considered.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Successful applicants will be those best able to demonstrate that MAIC’s assistance will permit them to leverage matching resources from private foundations, industry, individual donors and/or the federal government; and that their projects will (a) result in new products, processes, or services; (b) reduce industry operating costs thereby increasing enterprise profitability; (c) increase industry productivity; (d) save existing jobs, and/or (e) result in new employment opportunities for Maine citizens.

Proposals will be judged as follows:
1. Anticipated economic impact to the aquaculture industry (30 points)
2. Scientific and technical approach (20 points)
3. Evidence of support from the industry for this research (25 points)
4. Qualifications of participants including facilities and equipment available (10 points)
5. Degree to which the proposed project is in alignment with the stated research priorities. (10 points)
6. Quality of the proposed budget and matching contributions (cash and in-kind in excess of that required.) (5 points)

One signed hard copy of each complete proposal along with an electronic version (MS WORD for cover page, narrative & budget justification and MS EXCEL for the budget page) must be received by MAIC no later than 5:00 pm, XXXXXXXXX. The electronic version may either be transmitted by email to or submitted on CD ROM with the signed paper copy. Facsimile transmission and proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.